Selerix Developer Tools
Automatically Generate Selerix Web Service Interfaces
Enrollment Integrations > Enrollment Integration Details > Developer Walkthroughs > Web Services (SOAP) > Selerix .NET Library > Automatically Generate Selerix Web Service Interfaces

Developers are encouraged to use wrapper classes to interface with Selerix web services.  This section describes the steps to automatically generate coding interfaces from the Selerix Web Services Description Language (WSDL) online.  If the development environment cannot automatically build these interfaces they will have to be built manually.

Follow the steps below to have Visual Studio 2012 or later automatically generate the interface wrapper classes to Selerix web services.

 Note: The dialog component names differ slightly depending on the version of Visual Studio you have:


  1. From the Class View in Visual Studio, right click on References in the treeview and click Add Service Reference...
  2. In the URL (or Address) box, enter the URL that contains the service description:
  3. Enter SelerixWS in the Web reference name (or Namespace) box.  If you would rather use a different name, you will need to change all instances of SelerixWS in the sample source for it to work.
  4. Click Add Reference (or OK) to generate the interface classes to complete this step.

When this step is successfully completed you will see a new reference called SelerixWS in the treeview.  Refer to the sample source for an example that uses a combination of the .NET library and automatically generated web service interfaces.


See Also