Selerix Developer Tools
Building Encrypted SAML
Enrollment Integrations > Enrollment Integration Details > Developer Walkthroughs > Single Sign-On (SSO) > SAML v2.0 Integration > Building Encrypted SAML

Because the Oasis SAML v2.0 specification is highly theoretical and does not provide a definitive path to implementation, Selerix recommends the use of a third-party library when implementing a SAML-based SSO integration, especially when the SAML XML is encrypted. Internally, Selerix uses a commercial SAML library produced by ComponentSpace, the price of which is likely far less than the cost of building a tested solution from scratch.

Those who wish to build their own library, or who prefer to incorporate Open Source solutions when possible have a myriad of choices. The table below gives a summary of some of the top libraries available at the time of this writing along with links to core SAML reference material. Selerix does not endorse any of the libraries referenced below, nor can we confirm compatibility with BenSelect out of the box. This information is provided merely as a service to help you achieve your integration goals as quickly as possible.

Have another solution that's not listed below? Click the feedback link at the bottom left and tell us about it. We value your experience and appreciate your recommendations.

Resource Description
Oasis SAML 2.0 Wiki Official OASIS SAML site. Provides current SAML specifications and other resources.
SAML v2.0 Wiki Overview of SAML v2.0. Covers assertions, protocols, bindings, profiles, etc..
SAML Resources Wiki Wikipedia article containing possibly the most complete and current list of libraries both commercial and Open Source and toolkits for SAML developers.
OpenSAML (C++) Low-level library written in C++ for producing and consuming SAML messages, signing, encrypting, etc..
OpenSAML (Java) Low-level library written in Java for producing and consuming SAML messages, signing, encrypting, etc..
OneLogin SAML Tools Commercial vendor that offers open source libraries for C#/ASP.NET, Java, PHP, Python and Ruby developers.
ITfoxtec SAML 2.0 Principally a SAML-P implementation, this free library also incorporates support for SAML 2.0 implementation including message signing, validation, and encryption/decryption.
SAML2 .NET Library SAML2 is a .NET implementation of the OASIS SAML 2.0 specification. It is a fork of the OIOSAML.NET project by the Danish government.
Okta List of Open Source SAML toolkits Lists several open source toolkits that implement the SAML 2.0 specification for the WebSSO Profile in several programming languages.
SimpleSAMLphp Application Application written in PHP that provides support for SAML 2.0 as both a Service Provider (SP) and an Identity Provider (IdP).
System.IdentityModel. Tokens Namespace .NET classes for security tokens and token handlers, clauses, and other artifacts for use with Windows Identity Foundation (WIF).

See Also