Selerix Developer Tools
The Application
Supplemental Information > BenSelect Architecture > The Application

Although developers do not need to understand all aspects of an Application, Selerix often refers to the application in conversation and as such exposure to the concepts and related class containers is a fairly critical step

When an enrollment session is launched, BenSelect encapsulates each plan logically in an application.  The application includes a snapshot of information related to the group's plan configuration at the time of enrollment along with other bits of information such as the applicant's answers to Evidence of Insurability (EOI) questions.  Thus, if enrollment rules change after a completed enrollment, the rules that were applied at the time of enrollment are captured for reference.


BenSelect creates an application container for each plan offered to the employee.  As an applicant steps through a plan enrollment, BenSelect stores enrollment decisions in the application such that, if the session is terminated, BenSelect can recall the application state and allow the applicant to pick up where s/he left off.  In this light, when a member of the Selerix team refers to an application, we are not necessarily referring to a completed enrollment.  When used to describe a completed enrollment, the application is not transmuted into a coverage but simply remains an application in the form of a waiver.  Thus, an application encapsulates a plan enrollment session on BenSelect.

The application plays another important role in the system.  It may be used by enrollment scripts to override system behavior both prior to and after the plan confirmation step.  As such, the Selerix .NET library includes an Application class which provides data accessors to the application.  Application objects are typically used in enrollment and report scripting.