Selerix Developer Tools
Address Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods 

Selerix.BusinessObjects Assembly > Selerix.BusinessObjects Namespace : Address Class

The following tables list the members exposed by Address.

Public Constructors
Public Constructor  
Public Fields
Public FieldGets or sets Language address information.  
Public FieldIndicates this object will override the same object while storyline merging. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public Properties
Public PropertyDate when object was last updated. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the city. The City Property gets or sets the city associated with the applicant's address.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the country. The Country Property gets or sets the country associated with the applicant's address.  
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether this Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject is deleted. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the event date.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the external engine configurations. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets the formatted address string.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the full address.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the ID. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets line 1 of the address.  
Public PropertyGets or sets Line 2 address information.  
Public PropertyGets or sets Line 3 address information.  
Public PropertyRead-only property on top-level object that indicates the lock state of the object. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the merge place. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets the merging ID. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the name. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the name attribute. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the name text item. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether this object is readonly. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the short name. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the state. State of residence.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the type.  
Public PropertyGets or sets the unique ID. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets a value indicating whether this Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject is verified. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the version. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the XML as of date. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the XML as of date. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public PropertyGets or sets the zip. ZIP code of residence.  
Public Methods
Public MethodDetermines whether the specified System.Object is equal to this instance.  
Public MethodGets the config. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public MethodServes as the default hash function. Returns a hash code for this instance.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Return true if address is empty.  
Public MethodOverloaded. Return true if address has valid data.  
Public MethodA ShouldSerialize[Object] method (ShouldSerializeEventDate) that returns true or false. XML serialization enables an object's public fields and properties to be saved and loaded to/from an XML file. Typically, XML serialization will be desired for an object that is not null or empty and has a value such as a string object or a list object that is not null and has at least one element.  
Public MethodA ShouldSerialize[Object] method (ShouldSerializeExtEngineConfigs) that returns true or false. XML serialization enables an object's public fields and properties to be saved and loaded to/from an XML file. Typically, XML serialization will be desired for an object that is not null or empty and has a value such as a string object or a list object that is not null and has at least one element. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public MethodA ShouldSerialize[Object] method (ShouldSerializeID) that returns true or false. XML serialization enables an object's public fields and properties to be saved and loaded to/from an XML file. Typically, XML serialization will be desired for an object that is not null or empty and has a value such as a string object or a list object that is not null and has at least one element. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public MethodA ShouldSerialize[Object] method (ShouldSerializeUniqueID) that returns true or false. XML serialization enables an object's public fields and properties to be saved and loaded to/from an XML file. Typically, XML serialization will be desired for an object that is not null or empty and has a value such as a string object or a list object that is not null and has at least one element. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public MethodA ShouldSerialize[Object] method (ShouldSerializeXmlAsOfDate) that returns true or false. XML serialization enables an object's public fields and properties to be saved and loaded to/from an XML file. Typically, XML serialization will be desired for an object that is not null or empty and has a value such as a string object or a list object that is not null and has at least one element. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public MethodShoulds the serialize XML as of date ticks. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
Public MethodUpgrades the model. (Inherited from Selerix.Foundation.Data.AbstractModelObject)
See Also


Address Class
Selerix.BusinessObjects Namespace