Class | Description | |
AbstractReferenceBase | Base class for classes that reference or link to another. | |
ACLIBenefitLimitsRule | Sets the ACLI benefit limit rules. | |
Address | The Address object specifies all the attributes of an address, such as the address type, City, State, and so forth. The Address class defines the Enrollee's address. | |
AddressVerificationResult | Address verification result | |
AgeLimitsRule | Specifies the business rules related to an applicant's age. | |
Agent | The Agent object specifies the attributes of an Agent. The Agent class defines the insurance agent. | |
AgentBroker | Link between agents and brokers. | |
AgentBrokerCollection | Collection of broker information for agents | |
AgentCollection | Class AgentCollection | |
AgentDetails | When querying or including agents, details to include. | |
AgentLocations | Collection of location information for agents Portfolio only. | |
AgentPayer | Payer information for a given Agent. Adds the Agent ID to the base Payer information as well as an (optional) collection of split information. | |
AgentPayerCollection | Collection of Payer information for an Agent. | |
AgentProduct | Link between agents and products | |
AgentProductCollection | Collection of product information for agents | |
AgentSplit | Split information on a per-split agent basis. | |
AgentSplitCollection | Collection of split information for the agents. | |
AgeParam | Specifies the age parameters. | |
AgeParamLimit | Specifies the age limit parameters. | |
Answer | The Answer object specifies the attributes associated with an answer; for example, the question ID, the identification of the person answering the question, the product associated with the question, and so forth. | |
AnswerCollection | Helper class, represents collection of Answer. | |
AnswerRow | Specifies the indexed rows of a table. | |
AnswerTable | The AnswerTable class specifies the attributes of the Answer table. | |
Applicant | The Applicant object represents an enrolled person. | |
ApplicantCC | Specifies reference on applicant | |
ApplicantCCCollection | The ApplicantCCCollection object creates a list of relationships. | |
ApplicantCollection | Creates a collection of applicants objects. | |
ApplicantDetails | When querying for applicant information, indicate what information you want. | |
Application | The Application object specifies the properties associated with an insurance application; for example, the insurance questionnaire, employee ID, Applicant ID, and so forth. The Application class defines the insurance application, which is a questionnaire used to determine the prospective enrollee's eligibility. | |
ApplicationBusinessRule | Abstract class for all business rules that could be applied to application. | |
ApplicationCollection | Creates a list of applications. | |
ApplicationDetails | When querying for application information, indicate what information you want. | |
ApplicationDocument | The Application Document object represents the "hard copy" of the insurance application. Most of the time it is in .pdf format, which the applicant reviews and signs. | |
ApplicationParamBusinessRule | Abstract class for all rateparam rules that could be applied to application. | |
ApplicationRiderParamBusinessRule | Abstract class for all raterider rateparam rules that could be applied to application. | |
ApplicationTransactionBusinessRule | Abstract class for all application rules that could be applied to application | |
Attachment | Specifies the attributes of an attachment. | |
AttachmentCollection | Creates the collection of attachment objects. | |
AuthorizedUser | Specifies the list of users authorized to make changes to this product. | |
Beneficiary | The Beneficiary object specifies the attributes of a beneficiary. For example, the beneficiary type, name, social security number, and relationship to insured. The Beneficiary class defines the designated person(s) who receive the insurance policy proceeds. | |
BenefitAmountParam | Specifies the benefit amount parameters. | |
BenefitLevelParam | Specifies the benefit level parameter. | |
BenefitLimitsRule | Benefit amount(unit) rule object. | |
BinaryDataType | Binary data to be embedded in the Document entry. | |
Broker | The Broker object specifies the attributes of a broker. | |
BrokerCollection | Creates a collection of broker objects. | |
BusinessRule | Abstract class for all business rules. The BusinessRule class handles complex business rules to account for guaranteed issue limits, late entrance rules, and evidence of insurability requirements. | |
CensusStatistics | The CensusStatistics object specifies the statistics associated with an applicant, such as job class, where the applicant is located, and so forth. | |
CheckboxListQuestion | The CheckboxListQuestion object specifies the attributes of the question checkboxes. | |
ColumnValue | Specifies the attributes of a table column value. | |
ConverterUtils | Utility conversion class. | |
Coverage | The Coverage object specifies information about applicant coverage; for example, the product ID, effective date, and so forth. The Coverage class defines the amount of the insured's coverage. | |
CustomApplicationRiderRule | Custom application rider rule. | |
CustomApplicationRule | Custom application rule. | |
CustomField | Specifies the attributes of a custom field. | |
CustomFieldCollection | Helper class, represents collection of CustomField. | |
CustomFieldInfo | Summary desctiption to specify the attributes of a custom field. | |
CustomFieldValueInfo | Summary description of a custom field value. | |
DataManifest | Specifies the attributes of a data manifest file. | |
DataManifest.ManifestItem | A manifest item. | |
DeductionCode | The DeductionCode object specifies the attributes of a deduction code. | |
DeductionCodeEDI | Specifies the attributes of an EDI deduction code. | |
DefaultEnrollmentRule | The DefaultEnrollmentRule object specifies the attributes of the enrollment rules are common for all plans. | |
DefaultValueRule | Define default value on parameter. | |
Department | The Department object specifies the attributes of a Department. | |
DepartmentCollection | Creates a collection of Department objects. | |
DependencyCondition | Specifies the attributes of a dependency condition. Creates a list of dependency conditions. | |
DependentVerificationDocumentWrapper | Class DependentVerificationDocumentWrapper. | |
DependsOnCriteria | Specifies which question displays, based on criteria. | |
DIMonthlyBenefitRule | DI montly benefit rule | |
Document | The Document object specifies the attributes of the documents signed by applicants and enrollers. | |
DocumentApplication | The Document Application object represents the "hard copy" of the insurance application. Most of the time it is in .pdf format, which the applicant reviews and signs. | |
DocumentCollection | Creates a collection of documents. | |
EDIParameters | Specifies the parameters of EDI data transmission. | |
Edition | Specifies the attributes of the edition - ID, code and name. | |
EligibilityFactors | Creates the offering product eligibility factors container class. | |
EligibilityRule | The EligibilityRule object specifies the types of rules associated with coverage eligibility. | |
EligibilityRuleCollection | Creates a collection of eligibility rule objects. | |
EligibilityRuleCustomField | Specifies the attributes of a custom eligibility rule. | |
EligibilityRuleCustomFieldCollection | Creates a collection of eligibility rule custom field objects. | |
EligibilityRuleLocation | The EligibilityRuleLocation object specifies the eligibility rule location. | |
EligibilityRuleLocationCollection | Creates a collection of eligibility rule location objects. | |
EligibleApplicant | The eligible applicant object. | |
Employer | The Employer object specifies the attributes associated with an employer. The Employer class defines the insured's employer. | |
Employment | The Employment object specifies the attributes associated with an applicant's employment. The Employment class defines the employment of the enrollee. | |
Enroller | The Enroller object specifies the attributes of an enroller. The Enroller class defines the insured's enroller. | |
EnrollmentRule | The EnrollmentRule object specifies the attributes of the enrollment rules. | |
EnrollmentRuleCollection | Creates a collection of enrollment rules. | |
EnrollmentSession | The Enrollment Session object specifies the attributes of an enrollment session. The EnrollmentSession class defines the enrollee's enrollment session. | |
Event | The Event object specifies the attributes of an event. | |
EventCollection | The EventCollection class creates a collection of events. | |
EventDetail | The Event object specifies the attributes of an event. | |
EventDetailCollection | The EventDetailCollection class creates a collection of events. | |
ExportReportConfigControlData | Export report config control data. | |
ExternalReferenceID | This is a custom field object. Specifies the attributes of an external reference ID. | |
ExternalReferenceIDCollection | Helper class, represents collection of ExternalReferenceID. | |
ExternalTemplateRequest | Request for mrt file. | |
Field | The Field object specifies the attributes of the interface fields. | |
FieldCollection | The FieldCollection object creates a list of fields. | |
FieldValidationRule | Field validation rule | |
FileRequest | Request for file. | |
Form | Application Form object. Used to represent the "hard copy" of a document. Most of the time it is in .pdf form. The applicant needs to review and sign the form. | |
FormCollection | The FormCollection collection object lists all forms. | |
GenderParam | Specifies the parameters that define gender. | |
GeneralRules | General rules object. Contains general rules for portfolio. | |
Group | The Group object specifies the attributes associated with a group. The Group class defines the insured group. | |
Insured | The Insured object specifies the attributes of the insured. The Insured class defines the person or entity buying the insurance policy. | |
IssAgeValidationRule | ISS age validation | |
JobClass | The JobClass object specifies the attributes of a job class. | |
JobClassCollection | The JobClassCollection object specifies the attributes of a job class collection. | |
JournalEntry | The JournalEntry object specifies the attributes of a journal entry. | |
JournalEntryCollection | The JournalEntryCollection object creates a collection of journey entries. | |
License | License information - the state, license string, and payerID | |
LicenseCollection | A collection of License objects. | |
Location | The Location object specifies the attributes of a location. | |
LocationCollection | Creates a collection of location objects. | |
LocationJobClass | Specifies the attributes of a job class location. | |
LocationPayGroup | Pay group ID associated with a location. | |
LoginTokenData | Update login token data. | |
MedicalDetail | The MedicalDetail object specifies the details of medical conditions. | |
MedicalDetailArray | Creates a list of medical details. | |
Message | The Script object specifies the attributes associated with system messages as the result of an event. | |
MessageCollection | The MessageCollection object lists the event messages according to event ID. | |
MonthlyBenefitRule | Monthly benefit rule | |
MultipleOfSalaryParam | Creates multiples of salary parameters. | |
ObjectsViewRelationAttribute | The ObjectsViewRelationAttribute class | |
Offering | The Offering object specifies the attributes of an offering. | |
OfferingCollection | Creates a collection of offerings. | |
OfferingProduct | Specifies the attributes associated with a product offering. | |
OfferingProductCollection | Creates a collection of offering products. | |
OfferingProductEligibilityRule | Specifies the attributes of the offering product eligibility rules. | |
OfferingProductEligibilityRuleCollection | Creates a collection of offering product eligibility rules. | |
Organization | Specifies the attributes of an organization. | |
Party | The Party object specifies the attributes of a party. The Party class defines the party. A party to an insurance policy is the company providing the coverage, the owner of the policy, the insured individual, and the beneficiary of the proceeds of the policy. | |
Payer | Specifies the attributes of a payer. | |
PayerCollection | Creates a collection of payers. | |
PayerProductLocationEDI | Specifies the attributes of an EDI payer, product and location. | |
PayGroup | Specifies the attributes for a pay group. | |
PayGroupCollection | Creates a collection of pay groups. | |
PayHistoryEntry | Class PayHistoryEntry. | |
PaymentInfo | The PaymentInfo object specifies the attributes of the payment; for example, the payment type and account holder name. | |
PaymentTransactionEntry | Payment Transaction Array Entry. | |
PayrollProvider | Specifies the attributes of a payroll provider. | |
PayrollProviderCollection | Creates a collection of payroll providers. | |
PayrollProviderLocationEDI | Specifies the attributes of EDI payroll provider locations. | |
PayRun | Specifies the attributes for pay run. | |
PercentOfSalaryParam | Specifies the percentage of salary parameters. | |
Person | The Person object specifies the attributes of a person. | |
PersonCollection | Creates a collection of person objects. | |
PluginConfigTemplate | Specifies the attributes of a product. | |
PluginConfigUpdate | ||
PolicyHolder | Policy holder | |
Portfolio | Portfolio object. Contains setup information for portfolio. | |
PortfolioDetails | When getting Portfolio information, indicate what pieces are desired and what are not. | |
PortfolioLogoRequest | Request for portfolio logo. | |
PremiumLimitsRule | Premium limits rule object. | |
PremiumParam | Specifies the parameters of a premium. | |
Presentation | The Presentation object specifies the attributes of a presentation. | |
PresentationCollection | The PresentationCollection object lists the presentations. | |
Product | Specifies the attributes of a product. | |
ProductCollection | Creates a collection of product objects. | |
ProductDependencyRule | Specifies the business rules related to an product. | |
ProductTemplate | Specifies the attributes of a product. | |
ProductValidationRule | Product validation rule | |
Question | Object representing one question in questionnaire tree. | |
QuestionCollection | Creates a list of questions. | |
QuestionHeight | Specifies the height of the question field. | |
QuestionListItem | Specifies the attributes of a question list item. | |
QuestionListItemCollection | Creates a list of questions. | |
QuestionMedicalDetail | Specifies the attributes of the medical detail questions. | |
QuestionMedicalDetailColumn | The QuestionMedicalDetailColumn object specifies the attributes of the medical detail column. | |
QuestionMedicalDetailColumnCollection | Creates a collection of medical details. | |
QuestionMemo | Specifies the attributes of a question memo. | |
Questionnaire | Specifies the attributes of the enrollment questionnaire. The Questionnaire class defines the forms and questions used in the questionnaire. | |
QuestionRule | Specifies the question rule attributes - rule type and ID. | |
QuestionState | Specifies the state of the question. | |
QuestionTableDetail | Specifies the attributes of a question table's details. | |
QuestionWeight | Indicates the weight of a question in relation to other questions. | |
RateCard | Specifies the attributes of a rate card. | |
RateCardFinder | Specifies the attributes of a rate card finder. | |
RateCardVariable | Specifies the attributes of a rate card variable. | |
RateCollection | Creates a list of rates. | |
RateFinder | Finds the premium rate determined by specific criteria. | |
RateItem | Specifies the attributes of a rate. | |
RateParam | Rate parameter object. | |
RateParamCollection | Creates a list of rate parameters. | |
RateParamLimit | Specifies the rate limit parameters. | |
RateParamRange | Specifies the range of rate parameters. | |
RateParamValue | Specifies the rate parameter values. | |
RateRider | Specifies the attributes of a rate rider. | |
RateRiderCollection | Creates a list of rate riders. | |
Rates | Specifies the attributes of rates. | |
RatesDictionary | Creates a rates dictionary. | |
RateTemplate | Specifies the attributes of a rate template. | |
RateTemplateValue | The rate template value. | |
Region | Specifies the attributes of a region. | |
RegionCollection | Creates a collection of regions. | |
RegionLocation | Parent-child relationship between region and location | |
RelationshipCC | Specifies the relationships existing between the applicant and beneficiaries. | |
RelationshipCCCollection | The RelationshipCCCollection object creates a list of relationships. | |
RelationshipEnumExtensions | Extension methods for Relationship. | |
ReplacementTableQuestionRule | Replacements table rule. | |
ReportDataSourceItem | Report Data source info | |
ReportParameter | Report parameter | |
ReportParameterList | List of report parameters | |
ReportRecipient | Report recipient class. | |
ReportSchedule | Report Schedule class | |
ReportTemplate | Summary description for ReportTemplate. | |
ReportTemplateList | Summary description for ReportTemplateList. | |
RestorePoint | Restore point class | |
Result | Specifies the attributes of a result. | |
Rider | Specifies the attributes of a rider. The Rider class defines the rider associated with the insurance policy. | |
RiderBenefitLimitsRule | Benefit amount(unit) rule object for rider parameter. | |
RiderCollection | Rider's collection. | |
RiderEnableRule | Rider enable rule. | |
RiderIssAgeValidationRule | Rider ISS age validation | |
RiderTotalUnitsRule | Rider total amount rule validation. | |
RiderValidationRule | Rule for rider values validation. | |
RuleBenefitAmountCalculation | Calculates the rule benefit amount. | |
RuleCondition | Specifies the conditions under which a question will display. | |
RuleEmployerContributionAmountPercent | Specifies the rules associated with the EmployerContributionPercent object. | |
RuleMaximumBenefitAmountPercent | Specifies the maximum benefit amount in percentage. | |
RuleProductRequired | Specifies the required product rules. Specifies the rules required for a product. | |
RuleProductRequiredDetails | Specifies the details of the required product rules. | |
SampleTemplate | Stores Sample amounts from the rate cards and associated properties. | |
SampleValue | Stores sample values for the SampleTemplate | |
Script | Specifies the attributes of script - the language, type, where processed. | |
ScriptCollection | Creates a list of scripts. | |
Signature | Specifies the capture date, type of owner, signature values, and so forth. | |
TableDetailColumn | The TableDetailColumn object specifies the attributes of the details in a table column. | |
TableDetailColumnCollection | Creates a collection of TableDetailColumn objects. | |
TestCase | Specifies the attributes of a test case, which is useful in identifying calculation errors or rate configuration errors in the system. | |
TestCaseReport | Represents a test case execution. | |
TestCaseResult | Specifies the test case result. | |
Theme | Specifies the attributes of a theme. | |
TierCC | Specifies the attributes of the CC tier. | |
TierCCCollection | Creates a collection of tiers. | |
TierParam | Specifies the parameters of a tier. | |
TierParamLimit | Specifies the parameter limits of a tier. | |
TierRateParamHelper | A helper to determine the rate parameters of a tier. | |
TierRateParamValueHelper | A helper to determine the tier rate parameter value. | |
TierStringMapper | Maps tier levels. | |
Transmittal | The Transmittal object contains many objects and defines different types of business transactions. For example, the Agent object in Transmittal will have objects that enroll Applicant, list Applicants that participate in an enrollment session, list Applications signed by Applicants, and so forth. Transmittal also defines framework level requests or responses; for example, a request for available Applicant rates. In this case, a function call will get a list of applicants that participate in enrollment and return the available rates for these applicants. | |
UnitsParam | Specifies the parameters of a unit. | |
UWLimitCC | Underwriting limits info | |
UWlimitCCCollection | List of underwriting limits | |
WebScriptControlData | Web script control data. | |
WebTextBankControlData | Web text bank control data. | |
WorkHistoryEntry | Class WorkHistoryEntry | |
WorkHistoryEntryCollection | Creates a collection of WorkHistoryEntry records. | |
XmlAttributeArraysHelper | A helper to get attributes. | |
XmlElementArraysHelper | A helper to get XML elements. |