Selerix Developer Tools
Transmittal Class Members
Fields  Properties  Methods 

Selerix.BusinessObjects Assembly > Selerix.BusinessObjects Namespace : Transmittal Class

The following tables list the members exposed by Transmittal.

Public Constructors
Public Constructor  
Public Fields
Public FieldWhen querying for agent information, indicate what details you want.  
Public FieldList of Agent.

Contains the information regarding the agent who sold the coverage.

Property Name




Agent ID Includes the ID number and type.
Name The options for this field are the name of the agent who sold the policy or "Web Self-Service".
Number The agent's identifying number.
Split Indicates a commission split.
Public FieldWhen querying for applicant information, indicate what details you want.  
Public FieldList of Applicant.

Contains all the information about the applicant, such as applicant ID, work and home phone numbers, sex, employment and so forth. The Applicants property contains the following properties:

Property Name




Includes the applicant UniqueID, ID, EmployeeID and ForceChangePIN
AsOfDate The timestamp of the application.
Includes Type, such as "Personal".
Country The applicant's country.
Line1 The Line 1 address information for the applicant.
Line2 The Line 2 address information for the applicant.
City The city of the applicant.
State The state of the applicant.
Zip The zipcode of the applicant.
The applicant's home phone number.
The applicant's work phone number.
The applicant's social security number.
The applicant's first name.
The applicant's middle initial.
The applicant's last name.
The suffix for applicant's name, such as Mrs. or Mr.
The sex of the applicant.
The personal email of the applicant.
Employer The name of the applicant's employer.
HireDate The date the applicant was hired.
Eligibility Date The date the applicant became eligible for coverage.
Title The job title of the applicant.
Department The department of the company where the applicant works.
Location The location of the company where the applicant works.
JobClass The job class of the applicant.
PayGroup The method of payment, whether self-pay, company paid, etc.
PayrollFrequency Indicates how often premiums are processed by payroll.
DeductionFrequency Indicates how often premiums are deducted from the applicant's paycheck.
HoursPerWeek Indicates the number of hours per week the applicant works.
Salary The salary of the applicant.
Indicates the legal employment status of the applicant.
Indicates the relationship of the  employee to the enroller. For example: employee, contractor, and so forth.
The birth date of the applicant.
The country where the applicant was born.
The marital status of the applicant.
The prior name of the applicant. For example, the applicant's maiden name or former marriage name.
The smoker status of the applicant, such as "Never".
The height of the applicant.
The weight of the applicant.
Indicates if the applicant is a student - true or false.
Indicates if the applicant is disabled - true or false.
Indicates the status of the enrollment session. For example, "complete" or "not complete".
Location Indicates the location of the carrier.
City Indicates the city of the carrier.
State Indicates the state of the carrier.
PaymentType The type of payment, whether payroll or self- pay.
BankDraftDay The day of the month the bank will draft the premium.
Contains response values from the questionnaire.
Answer Indicates the form field number of the answer.
Name The name of the question.
Value The response to the question.
***do I include this???**
The Unique ID number for the applicant.


Public FieldWhen querying for application information, indicate what details you want.  
Public FieldList of Application.

Contains all the information associated with an application. The Applications property contains the following:

Property Name




AsOfDate The timestamp of the application. TEST
OfferingID A unique ID number associated with the offering.
Tier ***
DeductionFrequency Monthly, quarterly, etc.
EmployeeCost The cost of the  premium in dollars.
PreTaxEmployeeCost The pre-tax cost of the premium in dollars.
PostTaxEmployeeCost The post-tax cost of the premium in dollars.
EmployerCost The amount of the premium the employer will pay.
BenefitAmount The total benefit amount to beneficiaries.
OptionCode A code associated with a specific coverage option.
Section125 Indicates if the enrollee is participating in Section 125 coverage.
EffectiveDate The effective date of coverage.
TerminationDate The date coverage ends.
FirstDeductionDate The date premium deductions begin.
LastDeductionDate The date of the last premium deduction.
The applicant ID of the insured.
The designated person(s) who receive the insurance policy proceeds.
Beneficiary The unique identifying number associated with each beneficiary.
Type The type of beneficiary. For example, "Primary".
Name The name of the beneficiary, whether person, trust, estate or business.
Phone The phone number of the beneficiary.
BeneficiaryAddress The address of the beneficiary.
Percent The percentage of benefit the beneficiary should receive.
FirstName The first name of the beneficiary.
LastName The last name of the beneficiary.
RelationshipDescription The description of the relationship. For example, 'child".
Age The age of the beneficiary.
The identifying number of an application document.
The agent ID number.
The timestamp of the application.
The identifying number of the insured group.
The case number of the insured group.
The ID number of the insurance network.
The billing code of a specific insurance plan


Public FieldList of Document.

Contains the information associated with a specific document.

Property Name




Name The name of the document.
File The file name of the document.
CreatedDate The date the document was created.
Signature Indicates the type of signature. For example, "Pin".
CaptureDate The timestamp associated with the electronic signature.
OwnerType Indicates the type of applicant who signed the enrollment document.
SignedByProxy Indicates if the signature was signed by someone other than the applicant.
Data ****???***


Public FieldThe empty  
Public FieldSpecifies the enrollment session. Indicates the status of the enrollment session. For example, "Complete".  
Public FieldList of Form. Contains all the information for enrollment forms.  
Public FieldGroup object. Can be null if PortfolioID is set.

A group is an insurance policy covering a group of people. (For example, employees of a company). The group property contains the related group information.

Property Name




GroupName The name of the group covered by a specific policy
GroupNumber The identifying number associated with the group
EffectiveDate The date the group policy becomes effective
Mailto The contact e-mail address for the group.
The address information for the group.
Line1 The Line 1 address of the group.
Line2 The line 2 address of the group.
City The city of the group.
State The state of the group.
Zip The zipcode of the group.


Public FieldSpecifies the host name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The host name for the transmittal.  
Public FieldSpecifies the host version.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The host version for the transmittal.  
Public FieldID of the transmittal package. Used to keep track of transactions.

The ID of the transmittal package. Used to keep track of transactions.

Public FieldList of Offering.

An offering is the type of insurance purchased. For example, Medical, Dental, or Vision.

Property Name




OfferingID The number associated with the type of insurance purchased.
Name The name of the type of coverage.                                                     
Custom ***text here ***options are true, false
Code The code is ****
Public FieldUser Password. User password.  
Public FieldPortfolio object.Contains all the information about the portfolio, such as portfolioID, products, and so forth.  
Public FieldWhen querying for portfolio information, indicate what details you want.  
Public FieldSpecifies the ID of the Portfolio. ID of the portfolio.  
Public FieldList of Question.

The question field contains properties that identify form fields on an insurance application. 

Property Name




The number of the question and field parameters.
Name The form field name.
Text The text values for the field.
MinValue xsi : nil ??
MaxValue xsi : nil ??
Public FieldID of the original request package. Used to pair request-response. The ID of the original request package. Used to pair request-response.  
Public FieldResult of the transaction. For example, "complete" or "incomplete". The result of the transaction.  
Public FieldID of the sender. The unique identifying number associated with the sender of the transmittal.    
Public FieldSpecifies the sponsor.  
Public FieldStoryLine object. The StoryLine object.  
Public FieldList of Applicant.  
Public FieldList of Application.  
Public FieldTransmittal type - for example, Query, Upload ... Indicates the Transmission type. For example, "Upload".  
Public FieldUser object. Authentication information for user that performs transaction.User object. Authentication information for user that performs transaction.    
Public FieldSpecifies the transmittal version. The version of the transmittal.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyList of Broker.  
Public PropertyList of Payer.  
Public PropertyList of Product.

A product is a specific packaging of offerings.

Property Name




Product ID The identifying number of a specific product.
Name The name of the product.
Code An alpha representation of the product code. For example, PCDental.
Public Methods
Public MethodShould serialize agents.  
Public MethodShoulds the serialize applicants.  
Public MethodShoulds the serialize applications.  
Public MethodShoulds serialize the brokers.  
Public MethodShoulds the serialize documents.  
Public MethodShoulds the serialize forms.  
Public MethodA ShouldSerialize[Object] method (ShouldSerializeID) that returns true or false. XML serialization enables an object's public fields and properties to be saved and loaded to/from an XML file. Typically, XML serialization will be desired for an object that is not null or empty and has a value such as a string object or a list object that is not null and has at least one element.  
Public MethodShoulds the serialize offerings.  
Public MethodShoulds serialize the products.  
Public MethodIndicates if the portfolio ID should be serialized.  
Public MethodShoulds serialize the products.  
Public MethodShoulds the serialize questions.  
Public MethodA ShouldSerialize[Object] method (ShouldSerializeRequestID) that returns true or false. XML serialization enables an object's public fields and properties to be saved and loaded to/from an XML file. Typically, XML serialization will be desired for an object that is not null or empty and has a value such as a string object or a list object that is not null and has at least one element.  
Public MethodShoulds the serialize sender ID.  
Public MethodShoulds the serialize Temporary applicants.  
Public MethodShoulds the serialize applications.  
See Also


Transmittal Class
Selerix.BusinessObjects Namespace