Enum. Legal status of relationship to applicant. The LegalStatus enumeration class defines the legal status of the applicant.
Member | Value | Description |
AdoptedChild | 201 | Adopted child. |
AdultBenefitRecipient | 700 | Adult benefit recipient. |
AdultDependent | 1300 | The adult dependent |
Any | 1000 | Any |
AuntOrUncle | 10002 | Aunt or Uncle. |
Beneficiary | 10000 | Beneficiary. |
Charity | 10006 | Charity. |
Child | 200 | Child. |
ChildOfCivilUnionPartner | 209 | Child of Civil Union Partner |
CivilUnionPartner | 401 | Civil union partner. |
CollateralDependent | 202 | Collateral dependent. |
CommonLawSpouse | 102 | Common law spouse. |
Cousin | 10005 | Cousin. |
CustodialGrandchild | 203 | Custodial grandchild. |
CustodialNieceOrNephew | 207 | Custodial niece or nephew. |
DomesticPartner | 400 | Domestic partner. |
DomesticPartnersChild | 208 | Domestic partner's child. |
Employee | 0 | Employee. |
ExSpouse | 1200 | Ex-spouse. |
FosterChild | 204 | Foster child. |
Grandchild | 300 | Grandchild. |
Grandparent | 600 | Grandparent. |
NephewOrNiece | 10003 | Nephew or Niece. |
Other | 900 | Other |
Parent | 500 | Parent. |
Sibling | 10004 | Sibling. |
Spouse | 100 | Spouse. |
Stepchild | 205 | Stepchild. |
Trust | 10001 | Trust. |
Unknown | 1100 | Unknown |
Ward | 206 | Ward. |
Inheritance Hierarchy
See Also